Meet Debbie Solaris

Although I had an ordinary childhood, I always felt like I was ‘different’ from the people around me, as I was a lot more sensitive and introspective than my family members. She spent her formative years traveling with her family throughout Europe and Australia, soaking up all of the history, art, and culture of each place we visited. I was fortunate to have loving and progressive parents who wanted us to experience the world and everything it had to offer.”

After spending several years active-duty in the military, getting a Bachelor's Degree in Science, and working in the environmental field as a civilian, Debbie met her life partner Terry, who was (and still is) a UFO enthusiast and introduced her to the world of extraterrestrials and the paranormal.

Even then, I was pretty skeptical”, she recalls, although Terry has had a life-long curiosity and fascination with aliens and UFOs, they just didn’t seem all that real to me, especially as a scientist and environmentalist.

Debbie currently lives in Castle Rock, Colorado, with her significant other Terry. Sphynx cat Piglet, Debbie's registered therapy cat who was loved by many fans on social media, has sadly passed away on Nov. 15, 2017 (see the "Piglet" pages on this site). Debbie now shares her home with Raisin, an older rescue kitty who is a Donskoy, a Russian hairless breed.

Debbie’s own curiosity got the better of her, though, and she started attending local spiritual classes and metaphysical workshops.

All of her disbelief changed, however, when in 2012, Debbie had a couple of very intense out-of-body experiences where she found herself in the interior of a huge Arcturian mothership and saw herself interacting and communicating with Arcturian and Pleiadian extraterrestrials, the very ones she previously didn’t believe existed.

“Why they chose me to bring on-board their ship, I have no idea," says Debbie, “as I’m about as ordinary, unremarkable, and conventional as they come. Terry would’ve been the more logical choice to beam up for a visit.”

After her visits with the Arcturians onboard their ship, Debbie found that her extrasensory perception had increased exponentially and that she was getting frequent “downloads” of information, mostly on “stuff that I never knew about or would have any exposure to from my schooling during my childhood and college years.

I was starting to have visions and old memories resurface about ancient galactic events, stuff that was way older than anything in Earth’s history.”

Subsequent reading and research have shown these events to be possibly viable and true and that’s when, through the encouragement of her teachers and friends, Debbie started offering classes on extraterrestrials and galactic history in the Front Range area of Colorado.​​

Much to her surprise, her classes have been very well-received and have gotten rave reviews from students, so Debbie plans to offer many more classes in the near future. 

 “My classes are much different than the usual offerings you see in metaphysical groups and events," she says. They are based on universal truths and galactic history that have been hidden from humanity for thousands of years.

 When people come to my classes and they discover who they REALLY are, they start to see their own inner Light and true Divine Selves. I feel humbled and honored to be able to do that for my students.

Debbie Solaris is an ET contactee, interdimensional traveler, and galactic historian. After a fateful extraterrestrial contact experience a few years ago, Debbie awakened to her true star lineage and higher calling.

Through her ancestral connection with the Akashic Records, she has been receiving downloads of galactic historical information and universal spiritual knowledge ever since. She feels it’s a big part of her mission while here on Earth to help awaken others to their own true Divine selves and cosmic origins.

Debbie came upon the metaphysical scene "almost by accident", as she would describe it, and calls herself a “real late bloomer” on the spiritual path. Debbie had a very conventional and conservative Roman Catholic upbringing in a military family where “aliens and UFOs were just never discussed” and what mattered was the material world in which we inhabit.

Debbie Solaris Honored With 2024 Best Of Castle Rock Award

Debbie Solaris has been recognized with the prestigious 2024 Best of Castle Rock Award in the Psychic category. This annual award highlights local businesses that achieve exceptional success and contribute positively to the community. Debbie's work in spiritual guidance and galactic reading has made a significant impact, helping individuals connect with their higher selves and cosmic origins.

The Castle Rock Award Program celebrates local businesses that set a high standard of excellence through their service and dedication. Debbie's commitment to ther clients and the Castle Rock community has earned her this well-deserved recognition.

Honored At The Conscious Life Expo 2025

At the 23rd Annual Conscious Life Expo, Debbie Solaris was recognized with a special award for her contributions to galactic history and multidimensional awakening. This event, known for gathering some of the most influential voices in spirituality and consciousness, highlighted Debbie's work in decoding the cosmic past and guiding others on their soul journeys.

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