This was a difficult section for me personally to write, mostly because of my own soul memories of my lifetime in Lyra and the catastrophe and consequent trauma that occurred during that time.
In the previous section, we discussed how Co-Creators/Elohim created life in the star system of Lyra, which flourished for millions of years. However, for some unknown reason (I have my own hypothesis), the Co-Creators decided to start the great experiment of the descent into physicality in a small constellation that is located right next to a much bigger constellation, Draco, that contained dark, service-to-self Reptilian beings we now know as the Draconians.
Thus, began the great conflict between Light and Dark that started in Lyra and has existed in this galaxy now for millions of years.
A lot of my clients ask me, where did the Draconians originate from?
Why is their consciousness so different from ours?
My understanding from the Akashic Records is that these beings originated from a different Universe.
They created a massive destruction of such large magnitude in that other Universe, they were "removed” from that Universe by the beings that they were in conflict with and “deposited” in this Universe in the constellation of Draco.
Essentially though, through no fault of our own, we somehow inherited another Universe’s “problem children”. The Draconian original lineage is a race known as the Ciakar, and they have a caste system based on genetics.
These Draconians have a sort of “caste” hierarchy that exhibits itself as different levels of Reptilian beings. The upper echelon Draconians are the Dragons that we all know and recognize from stories and mythology here on Earth.
My understanding is that these Dragons, although large and frightening in appearance, are actually neutral in their standing within the Separative Principle of the Universe and can swing either light or dark, depending on their whim or desire at the moment. These mysterious, reclusive yet powerful creatures are not inherently evil and prefer to stay out of conflict if possible.
The middle echelon, what I call the “Warrior Caste” Draconians, are the Reptilians we always hear about in the conspiracy theories and popular Ufology culture, what some call “the Lizzies”. These "Lizzies" are about 8 feet tall, have long tails and thick, green, scaly skin, and stand upright on 2 legs. They have heads and jaws that resemble the alligators, and they are physically powerful and intellectually superior to the current stage of human evolvement. They are warriors and master geneticists and are of the service to self polarity (most of them anyway).
The Great Conflict and First Great Deception
All human life was seeded in Lyra in our galaxy.
My understanding is that the human race originally, our ancestors, were literally brought
in by another race, The Felines, who acted as stewards for our initial creation.
They can be considered Forces of Darkness in that they raid realities out of conquest and control systems of consciousness for the sake of power in serving the self. They are strongly polarized along the Separative Principle of the universe, and they do not follow the non-interventional guidelines of allowing civilizations to develop along their own lines.
They seek conquest and will use whatever level of power and violence is needed to achieve their goals of domination. They came to own and control different portals of space and corridors of time, which allowed them to raid different realities and structures of consciousness called planets. As is true of all those of negative polarity, they were never satisfied with all that had come under their control, and they continued to spread themselves throughout the universe like a metastasizing cancer.
What isn't commonly known about these "Lizzies" is that the females of the species are the dominant ones. They call the shots and issue the orders. It must also be said that not all of the Reptilians are of the negative polarity. There are some smaller groups that have split off from the cold-hearted conquerors and who chose The Light, and some positively-polarized entities have incarnated amongst them to try to affect change in that way, but it's a very sacrificial act with few rewards for these Reptilian beings. I’ve seen some of these benevolent Reptilians in the Akashic Records; most are located in Sirius and a few in some of the Orion star systems. Some of my clients have these magnificent benevolent Reptilian beings as their personal guides, depending on their star system of origin.
Both upper and middle echelon Draconians have a higher dimensional being-ness with physicality and exist at various levels of the Fourth Density, which is also called the Astral Planes. Unless they would so will it, they would not be visible at this Third Density Level of being except to those with some activation of their Third Eye (the Sixth Chakra) being able to use etheric sight. I've personally seen Reptilians in this 3rd dimensional plane and I’ve known a few other people who’ve seen them.
The lower echelon Reptilians are the creatures we know now as Reptiles, which were the result of genetic experiments that the Draconians, who were master geneticists, conducted on Earth and other star systems such as Sirius and Orion, to create “smaller” versions of themselves.
It is much like what the Feline beings in the previous section did when they created the humanoid races and also smaller versions of themselves with the Feline creatures, such as Lions, Tigers, and even domestic cats, that now exist here on Earth.
Anyway, my understanding is that even the very large Dinosaurs that existed on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago were actually lower echelon Reptilians that were the creation of the Warrior Caste Draconians as part of a great experiment on this planet.
The Reptilians created a great upheaval throughout the universe that first started in Lyra in this galaxy millions of years ago, and making their stronghold in systems such as Orion, with the Earth becoming affected about 300,000 years ago when the Reptilians invaded this reality and won the battle engaged throughout this solar system.
The human races were evolving in Lyra within many solar systems in that star system.
The reason why the Co-Creators chose the Lyra constellation was because of the frequencies of their stars and planets were sufficient to permit the original Lyran/Adamic human physical form, as it was back then with 12 strands of DNA and beings who were 15 feet tall and about 400-500 pounds.
So, what happened is that the human race, agricultural in nature, was evolving in Lyra.
They eventually began to develop space travel, and they were still developing space technology and working together to develop their new civilization.
One day, approximately 572 million years ago in this current timeline, several huge crafts appeared in the sky in the Lyran star system. A large ship came out of one the huge crafts and approached the Lyran planets, and reptilians from Alpha Draconis from the constellation Draco disembarked. Apparently in the beginning, the Alpha Draconians and the Lyrans were afraid and suspicious of each other.
So, we have two races who had previously thought they were alone on the galaxy come into contact with each other. We are talking about two antithetical races in many ways. The Alpha Draconians were the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar space travel, and have had this capability for 4 billion years. When the Draconians came and saw the beautiful Lyran planets, with all its abundance and food and natural resources, the Draconians wanted to conquer and control it. The Draconians were driven and motivated to explore space to search for food, as their own planets on Draco were barren and lacking in resources. All races have their different motives for doing what they do.
The Draconians took this opportunity to scope out the weak areas and lack of defense systems in the Lyran planets, and subsequently ambushed and annihilated several of 14 planets in the Lyran system. As the Lyrans were a peaceful race that previously never knew war, violence, and deception, they were basically defenseless. They had no weapons in which to defend themselves.
The planets Bila, Teka, Merck, Avyon, and Avalon were destroyed and possibly others.
Over 50 million Lyran humans were slaughtered. It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to look at humans as a food source and as slaves. During the wars, the Reptilians had their first taste of human flesh, and they liked it. They also used some Lyran prisoners as sex slaves and for breeding purposes. This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and human races.
What resulted from the Lyran-Draconian wars was the biggest catastrophic event that has ever occurred in this galaxy and quite possibly this entire Universe.
The situation for the Draconians was that they were migrating and building up their original population so fast that they had to develop space travel. As they moved out into the galaxy, they would find planets and moons with resources they could use. They continued to migrate, taking what they needed when they needed it, and moved on.
When they got to Lyra, they discovered several solar systems with incredible planets which had water, food and lush vegetation. They immediately wanted to control this space route, because they realized the value of the resources. When they approached the Lyrans, the Lyrans were extremely suspicious of the Reptilians, because the Ciakar element of the race were very aggressive.
Some say that there was a mis-communication or misunderstanding between the Draconians and Lyran humans that caused the wars, but my understanding from the Akashic Records is that the Draconians actually intended on deceiving the Lyrans with the offer of a sort of “treaty”: an exchange of the resources from the abundant Lyran planets in return for higher-level advanced technology from Draco.
The Draconians knew that the Lyrans were a young race (compared to their own, anyway) and that their technology was lacking, so this would be a very enticing “deal” for them. The Lyrans, although eager to obtain better technology from the Draconians, wanted to know more about the Draconians before some kind of treaty was agreed upon, and in their naivety agreed to allow the Draconians to explore their planets in the hope of getting to know this race better.
The Draconians took this opportunity to scope out the weak areas and lack of defense systems in the Lyran planets, and subsequently ambushed and annihilated several of 14 planets in the Lyran system. As the Lyrans were a peaceful race that previously never knew war, violence, and deception, they were basically defenseless. They had no weapons in which to defend themselves.
The planets Bila, Teka, Merck, Avyon, and Avalon were destroyed and possibly others. Over 50 million Lyran humans were slaughtered. It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to look at humans as a food source and as slaves.
During the wars, the Reptilians had their first taste of human flesh, and they liked it. They also used some Lyran prisoners as sex slaves and for breeding purposes.
This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and human races.
What resulted from the Lyran-Draconian wars was the biggest catastrophic event that has ever occurred in this galaxy and quite possibly this entire Universe.
It was the attack by the Draconians that forced the Lyrans to evacuate their survivors from their planets, migrate out of that system and spread out into the galaxy. It also forced them to develop weapons.
As a general rule, most of the Lyran refugees ended up settling in the Pleiades and Andromeda systems, and the majority of the humans from the Vega system ended up in Sirius and Orion, although many star systems throughout our galaxy became new homes for the Lyran/Vegan survivors.
They continued to explore space and look for solar systems that would sustain them. The human race continued to evolve and went to Deneb in Cygnus and Cassiopeia (both way stations for the Lyran refugees), the Sirian and Orion systems, and many star systems all over the galaxy.
So, they were on their ships fleeing the reptilian invasion, growing their own food on the craft and looking for water and as a consequence, the human race became very adaptable and creative. They would find certain planetary systems that had minerals, resources, water, and things that they needed. They would then try to stabilize those planetary systems using the technology that they had.
They would then go in, mine and pull out the resources they needed. They would continue their building mining equipment and spacecraft. They needed to stabilize the solar system so that they could extract the minerals which also meant they had to live there for awhile setting up colonies. That is why there are so many ruins on so many of our moons and planets.
One of the considerations the Lyrans had as they spread through space was to search for water, because humans have to have water.
Some of the Lyrans found an asteroid that had a great deal of ice-water and hid inside this asteroid, and there they began to develop their own identity.
The Draconian races, during the war against the Lyran races, realized that humans needed water. They positioned their large ships in strategic systems that contained a lot of water in order to prevent the humans from gaining access to it. It was literally a way for the Draconians to force the humans out of the galaxy.
To the degree that they could monitor the charted systems with water, they would place their craft there and attack humans who came there. This is why the human races from Lyra independently evolved technologies to acquire water from comets and other sources.
Once we understand our ancient Lyran/Vegan lineage and our relationship to the galaxy, we as a race are going to be very proud of who we were, and who we can evolve to become now. We are not done with our evolution.


Akashic Records Trainings