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Portal to Ascension - The Lyran Conference

This gathering is destined to explore the root and origins of humans. We will go back in time to a moment where time did not exist for our ancestors - before they became personified in the constellation of Lyra. We will receive messages and receive historical information on our ancestral journey.

From exploring the beings present in Lyra then and now, to unraveling the epic saga of hominids traversing the cosmos to populate the galaxy, this event promises an enlightening exploration of our cosmic origins. It is time to illuminate the ancient echoes of non-personified beings that contributed to the formation of humanity's earliest template and what these original beings looked like; as well as what legacy they have left for us.

Why did we incarnate into this galaxy? What happened over the eons before this moment? Join us for this unprecedented gathering, The Lyran Conference, for a transformative experience where the threads of galactic history intertwine with the birth of human existence. 

July 14

Star Gate Crusaders Retreat 

October 8

Portal to Ascension - The Awakening of Humanity